Accounts to Follow for Tutorials

Teach yourself at home!



Very clear and elaborate!


She's been around for ages and has a LOT of content.

Pole with Erynn

Lovely person, nice tutorials & workouts!

Elizabeth Blanchard

Pro stuff!


Recommended by our pole sisters ✨

Aviva S

Lot's of experience and tutorials.

Pole Power Academy

All sorts of tutorials and conditioning videos.

Sandra Beeston

Exotic tutorials

Iron Pole Dance

In Polish, but very clear in any language!

Julie Frota

Splits and Pole Tutorials

Anete Blaua

Pole tricks, exotic tutorials, stretches, conditioning

David Lynch Meets Xpole

High energy, fun tutorials!

Pole Freaks

Nice person, nice tutorials

Lara Joh



Angelina Polerina

Beautiful well-explained video's


Fun and clear tutorials

Ariel Xenia

Tutorials & Conditioning

Ashley Hell

Soooo many tutorials

Superfly Honey World

Pole wear brand but they have tutorials now & then!

Frances Ann

Awesome lady with so many drill tutorials!

Selena Seee

Not really tutorials but she breaks it down so wellll

Last updated