
What this website is really for: laziness

During the first COVID lockdown in Belgium of 2020, Patricio challenged a couple of fellow pole dancers to participate in the #alphabetpolechallenge. It was a lot of fun and kept us motivated to move our bodies during lockdown. Thanks for challenging us Patricio!

In October, we entered the second lockdown in Belgium. Manoe, one of the participants of the first lockdown challenge, decided it was time to take on this challenge once more because of its great success.

A lot of people got really enthusiastic this time. Lise wanted to start an instagram group where we could share ideas and motivate each other (DM to join!). It got a bit of a hassle to keep up with the resources: and that's how @pole.abc was born, ran by Fluffychubbychicken!

December 2022, Pinkiepolerina knew it was time for a revival of poleABC. She, just like Narmeen, wanted to get better at spinny pole. The #spinnychallenge came to life, and Pinkie and Narmeen are now part of the poleABC team, creating beautiful spinny combos!

Last updated